
Comments (184)

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๐Ÿฆถ this is the scariest emoji. Let me explain its tragic backstoryโ€ฆ. Once upon a time a little boy was texting his friend and he sent the feet emoji as a joke. The friend found this funny and a little later logged off for the day. The next day he was found dead with big footmarks with hyper realistic blood. The little boy was scared and played on his Nintendo game boy switch. Then his friend texted him the feet emoji, this was obviously scary to him so he punched his phone into a pulp. Then later that day a huge foot entered his room and started chanting. This was weird because feet have no mouth and therefore cannot speak. The foot stomped on the boy but little did the foot know that the boy has a fetish about this. The foot was scared by this and ran but then got arrested and is awaiting his court trial to this day. This is why the foot emoji is scary because it summons the Hugh mongus foot.


Besides the creator of the game I'm the first follower!

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Martins Menu

This game is on an indefinite hiatus.

#fnaf #fangame #horror #other #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans


Last time I hit a milestone I made a cool little thumbnail so I thought I would go with tradition even though @Stormonyx did renders in this and I just edited it but whatever IT'S COOL IT DOESN'T MATTER!

Listen to those who think Week With the Griffin's is a Parody game IT'S NOT, we are making this as a serious game just with funny voice lines and trailer and such but the game is SERIOUS, we have lore and everything its gonna be so sick.

Updated and Improved.

Uncancelled and Remade.

new description what yall thinkin bout it?

It's me gotta talk about some important stuff

we work


600 followers WOOHOO in return take this cool new thumbnail for the game even if it's a placeholder! :D

(Sorry for posting again i'll be more spread out next time, I just thought I should do a milestone for you all plus the old thumbnail was outdated.)